

Session Replay

Session Replay is a cutting-edge solution for capturing user interactions in a privacy-conscious manner. Hooking into the native rendering libraries for each mobile platform, this innovative technology traverses the view hierarchy to create accurate screen representations without causing any visual hiccups.

Developers can then use this feature to replay user sessions either screen-by-screen or in a video-like manner, providing a comprehensive view of in-app interactions that traditional logs don’t capture. With Session Replay, gain unparalleled insights into user behavior and app performance.
Session Replay is designed with privacy at its core.

Session Replay is designed with privacy at its core.

Rather than screenshots or video captures of the users' screen, wireframe representations allow developers to follow a user's journey without seeing personally identifying information. It respects user confidentiality while offering a powerful tool for developers.

One of the standout features of Session Replay is its ultra-efficient wire format.

One of the standout features of Session Replay is its ultra-efficient wire format.

Each captured session is incredibly compact, usually measured in dozens of bytes, ensuring minimal impact on network bandwidth. This efficiency allows us to capture a very high fidelity of user interactions, and correlate those with the rest of the telemetry the app is emitting. See the exact state of the UI while debugging issues, watch a video-like reproduction of screen changes, or use a 3D view which allows you to delve into all the layers of the screen's layout.

Session Replay's level of detail and control provides an unparalleled understanding of how users interact with your application, making it an essential tool for anyone looking to investigate issues.

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